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Climate Change: Glenn “Hurricane” Schwartz/ Dr. John Harte

today July 1, 2022


In light of the overturning of Roe v. Wade, we’re adding to Friday’s radio show line up.

Some researchers investigating climate change include reproductive rights as part of their palette of best solutions. Planet Philadelphia host, Kay Wood, spoke with Dr. John Harte, Distinguished Professor of the Graduate School Ecosystem Sciences at the University of California in Berkeley, CA. His research interests span ecological field research, the theory of complex systems, and policy analysis. They talk about why he includes reproductive freedom as one of the solutions addressing climate change, and what results the recent decision on abortion could have on our society and  in solving our existential climate crisis.

How do weather reporters think about the climate change? Do they include climate change in their reporting? We talk about all this with Glenn “Hurricane” Schwartz. He is the popular recently retired local Delaware Valley meteorologist for NBC TV news. He gave weather reports on NBC for many years, communicating the science while being entertaining and unpredictable. He talks with us about how TV weather reporters are thinking about climate change, how that has (or has not) changed over time, and his own weather reporting.

Begin July 1, 2022 H 4:00 pm
End July 1, 2022 H 5:00 pm
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