What is a Stamp Rally?
A Stamp Rally is an event which is dedicated to engaging visitors to experience many attractions under a specific theme and timeframe, collecting visitation stamps onto a designated page in a passport style booklet.
Historic Germantown will be running several contests using the passport style booklet. Visitors who collect the most stamps will be eligible for prizes. Scroll down for details!
What is a Stamp Rally Booklet and where can I get one?
The exclusive Historic Germantown stamp rally booklet was created especially for visitors to find and explore all of the amazing greenspaces in the Historic Germantown consortium; showcasing the exceptional parks, arboreta, farms, squares, cemeteries, gardens, and landscaped grounds that Northwest Philadelphia has to offer. When you visit each site, you collect a stamp which is original to that specific site recording your visit. The stamps all live in a designated “stamp house” at each individual site. Scroll down on this page to view the stamp house map for each site.
Pick up your FREE booklet at one of the host kick off sites listed below on “Second Saturday” Saturday, August 10th or at Historic Germantown during open hours, Thursday, Friday or Saturday 12pm-4pm.
More info can be fpund here.